To see the big picture, analysts need a view into the full spectrum of their business.
Whether big data or small, streaming or static, every relevant piece of information is important.
Piecing all of that together requires a visual analytics platform that consumes all data types, at scale.
And it must be fast enough to enable rapid-fire iteration and discovery, even for massive data sets.
Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to hear veteran Analyst Mark Madsen of Third Nature, as he explains why the unwieldy nature of modern data requires a concerted effort to analyze.
He’ll be briefed by Ruhollah Farchtchi who will demonstrate how Zoomdata achieves remarkable speed, and delivers rich visual analytics on data of all shapes and sizes. He’ll also explain how Zoomdata can be used to super-charge any number of business applications.
Mark Madsen
Ruhollah Farchtchi
CTO at Zoomdata