Strong Password Generator

A password generator helps you secure your online accounts with strong random passwords that are difficult to crack. Using these generators is quite simple. Just select the number and type of characters you want, and you’ll get an unbreakable and secure password in seconds.

Very Strong Password Strong Password Good Password Weak Password Very Weak Password
Characters count: 20

How to Make Your Password Strong

But before we jump into password generators, let’s see how you can ensure that the passwords you choose are strong.

Use 12-Character or LongerUse a Mix of CharactersAvoid Using Repeated PasswordsUpdate Your Passwords Frequently

Use 12-Character or Longer Passwords

The longer your password, the more difficult it is to crack. Ideally, a strong password should be 12 characters or longer. The reason is pretty obvious—shorter passwords have fewer possible combinations.

For example, if your password is only 5 or 6 letters, a hacker doesn’t need to go through too many options before he hits the jackpot. However, if your password is 12, 15 or 16 characters long, there are hundreds of thousands of possible combinations, which are very difficult to crack, even with a brute-force attack.

Use a Mix of Characters

While using a 12-character minimum password is great, setting a long password isn’t the only thing you need to do. You need to ensure that you use a good mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers.

For instance, a 12-character number-only password only takes seconds to crack. However, if you mix uppercase and lowercase letters with numbers, hackers would have to spend years guessing your password.

On the flip side, a shorter password with a mix of characters can also be cracked quickly. For instance, an eight-character password would not take long to crack, even if it is jumbled up with different characters.

That’s why it’s important to set passwords that are at least 12 characters long and consist of a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Avoid Using Repeated Passwords

In an effort to remember our passwords, we often repeat passwords across our apps and accounts. And often, that makes them easily guessable. Hackers are well aware of this, and your account could quickly be compromised.

According to the World Economic Forum, here are the most commonly used passwords you should avoid:

  • 123456
  • admin
  • 12345678
  • password
  • 111111
  • admin123
  • 123456789

Update Your Passwords Frequently

People tend to keep simple passwords and the same easy-to-remember password for all of their online accounts. This is like betting all your life savings on a single game of roulette. Hackers will only have to crack one password to access all your accounts — social media, bank accounts, employee passwords, and so on. This is too much of a risk.

That’s why it is important to set different passwords for each account and change them every 90 days as a habit.

But don’t just shuffle the passwords from one account to another. Try using new and different passwords every time you change them. This is where a password generator can come in quite handy.

How Does a Secure Password Generator Work?

A secure password generator uses a pseudo-random algorithm to generate passwords from a pre-set pool of characters – 26 uppercase, 26 lowercase, 10 digits, and 32 symbols.

The process starts with the algorithm picking a character called a seed. This seed is then processed to get a new character, which then becomes the seed. This new seed is processed again to get a new character. The process repeats until you have the number of characters you need.

There are a lot of free password generators you can use to create strong passwords in a matter of seconds. You’ll need to set the length of your password and the type of characters you want to use. I suggest using all possible character types to get the strongest password.

Once the password is generated, you can copy it and use it on any website.

How to Manage Your Passwords From Any Device

If you want to manage your passwords and keep them all in one place, a password generator can’t do this for you. In this case, you need a password manager.

Password managers can be divided into 2 broad categories: on-device managers and cloud password managers.

On-device password managers store your passwords on your local device, such as a computer or phone. This means that these passwords can be accessed only on the device without an internet connection. Although this is a safe practice, it doesn’t allow you to sync your password across various devices.

For this, you’ll need a cloud password manager to manage your passwords from any device.

They encrypt your passwords before storing them on a secure cloud. You only need to save your password once, and they’ll be easily synced across various devices. Most of the best password managers these days are cloud password managers.

How do they work? Let’s say you have saved your Facebook password on your desktop and want to access it on your phone. You simply only need to install and sign in to your password manager and the platform will automatically sync all saved passwords.

Random Password Generators: A Trusted Tool For Your Business

If you have a business and want to keep your accounts and logins secure, an online password generator is a must-have tool.

Businesses are more prone to cyberattacks, given that they house tons of user and business data. Around 50% of all small businesses are hit by cyberattacks, 60% of which have to permanently shut their businesses. This makes it important to secure business accounts with strong passwords, which is exactly what strong password generators do.

Employees can use complex password generators to get strong unguessable passwords to secure their logins. This also ensures that the passwords do not contain dictionary words or easily guessable phrases.

Plus, when a business uses a password generator, it can ensure that no old passwords are being reused or that the same password is used for several accounts. Businesses can even offer a password generator free of cost to their stakeholders, ensuring no extra cost burden.


How often should I change my password?

Cybersecurity experts recommend changing your passwords every 3 months. However, if your account was hacked, data was leaked, or malware was found on your system, you should change all your passwords immediately.

What passwords should I avoid?

You should avoid commonly used passwords such as admin, 123456, 12345678, password, admin123, and so on. These passwords are too easy to guess and don’t protect your account from hackers.

Can I use a password generator to create a username?

Yes, a password generator can be used to create a username. The random string of characters generated by a password generator can be used for anything, including a username. There are no usage restrictions for the random characters generated.

How can I protect my passwords?

First, ensure that your passwords are strong. For this, always use 12-character or longer passwords with a good mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Then, you can use a password manager that stores all your passwords in encrypted storage.

Is there a secure way to store passwords?

Yes, you can use a password manager to safely store all your passwords. These password managers encrypt your passwords locally before storing them on a secure cloud. Plus, they follow a no-knowledge policy, meaning even the password manager provider doesn’t know your passwords, as the encryption takes place locally on your device.

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