John F. McMullen
John F. McMullen lives with his wife, Barbara, in Jefferson Valley, New York, in a converted barn full of pets (dog, cats, and turtles) and books. He has been involved in technology for more than 40 years and has written more than 1,500 articles, columns and reviews about it for major publications. He is a professor at Purchase College and has previously taught at Monroe College, Marist College and the New School for Social Research. MucMullen has a wealth of experience in both technology and in writing for publication. He has worked as a programmer, analyst, manager and director of data processing (what would now be called “CIO”) for two large investment firms. He has also worked as the officer of a consulting and services firm, has co-owned his own consulting firm and worked as a college professor of information systems. In the writing area, McMullen has been a contributing editor for Computer Shopper, Computers & Electronics, HyperAge and Computer Living – New York. His writing has also appeared in the Chicago Tribune, PC Magazine, InfoWorld, the National Review, Lear’s and MicroTimes. McMullen was the co-author of one of the first books on microcomputer communications (“MicroComputer Communications – A Window on The World” – John Wiley, 1983) and a contributor (with Esther Dyson, Steve Wozniak, William F. Buckley, Henny Youngman, Ray Bradbury, Les Solomon and many others) to “Digital Deli,” an anthology that was well ahead of its time.