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What is EBITDA?

EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is a financial metric used to evaluate a company’s profitability and operating performance. EBITDA is calculated by using the business’s net income and then adding back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization expenses.


Techopedia Explains the EBITDA Meaning

Techopedia Explains the EBITDA Meaning

EBITDA is an important metric because it strips out the effects of financing and accounting decisions, allowing for a more accurate assessment of a company’s core operating profitability. By removing these four items from the EBITDA calculation (interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization), this metric can provide a clearer picture of how much money the firm’s operations bring in.

EBITDA is quite useful when it comes to comparing the performance of companies of different sizes and operating in different industries, as the impact of non-cash items is removed from the picture. Analysts can use the metric to focus entirely on the firm’s primary activities and its cash-generation potential rather than letting capital structure and asset allocation decisions distort their perception.

EBITDA History

The practice of using adjusted earnings metrics to evaluate company performance has been embraced for decades. In the 1980s, private equity firms began using similar adjustments to net income when assessing potential acquisition targets.

The specific EBITDA acronym gained widespread popularity in the 1990s as a way for companies, especially in capital-intensive industries, to highlight their cash flow generation capacity. As more businesses started reporting EBITDA alongside traditional accounting metrics like net income, this metric became a widely accepted tool for financial analysis.

Today, EBITDA is considered a regular metric for financial reporting and business valuation used by investors, lenders, and corporate managers alike to evaluate a company’s underlying profitability and cash flow potential.

How EBITDA Works

The formula to calculate EBITDA starts with a company’s net income (or net loss) and then adds back the following expenses:

Interest Expense
This removes the impact of the company’s capital structure and financing decisions.

Tax expenses are added back as they can vary significantly based on factors like jurisdiction and tax planning strategies.

This is a non-cash expense that represents a decline in the value of physical assets due to their natural wear and tear. It is added back as depreciation methods may have an outsized impact on the company’s net income figure.

This is also a non-cash expense that is added back as intangible assets like intellectual property and goodwill often distort the company’s net profits as well.

By excluding these expenses, EBITDA provides a clearer view of the cash flow generated by the company’s core business operations. This is particularly useful for capital-intensive industries, where depreciation and amortization can significantly impact net income.

The EBITDA Formula and Calculations

Now that we have explored the EBITDA definition, let’s take a look at how the formula works:

EBITDA = Net Income + Interest Expense + Tax Expense + Depreciation Expense + Amortization Expense


  • Net income: This is the bottom-line profitability of the business after all expenses have been deducted.
  • Interest expense: The amount paid in interest by the company for all of its financing instruments, such as bonds, loans, and lines of credit.
  • Tax expense: This is the amount paid by the business to the federal government of the country where it operates during the period being analyzed. This account typically refers to income taxes only, not property or state taxes.
  • Depreciation: An annual expense that is used to deduct the progressive deterioration of the assets owned by the company as a result of their natural wear and tear.
  • Amortization: Intangible assets like goodwill, intellectual property, and business investments are deducted from a company’s income statement progressively based on their estimated useful life.

Adjusted EBITDA

In addition to standard EBITDA, many companies also report an “adjusted EBITDA” metric. Adjusted EBITDA includes additional adjustments beyond just interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

These adjustments can include adding back one-time or non-recurring expenses, stock-based compensation, and other items that the company believes should be excluded to provide a more accurate view of its core operating performance.

The rationale behind adjusted EBITDA is that certain expenses or gains may skew a company’s EBITDA in a way that doesn’t accurately reflect the performance of the core business. By making additional adjustments, the adjusted EBITDA metric aims to provide a cleaner picture of the company’s profit-generation capacity.

However, it’s important to be cautious of companies that use aggressive or questionable adjustments to paint an overly optimistic picture of their financial health. Adjusted EBITDA can be a useful metri, but it should be used with prudence and in conjunction with other financial measures to analyze a company’s financial performance.



    We have thus far discussed the meaning of EBITDA, but it is worth noting that two other metrics are also typically used to analyze the financial performance of a business by excluding certain items that tend to distort their perceived cash-generation capacity.

    These two metrics are EBIT and EBT. While EBITDA excludes four items from the calculation, EBIT leaves out just two – interest and taxes. By doing so, it removes the impact of capital structures and taxation from the picture and allows analysts to focus solely on business-specific expenses, including non-cash items like depreciation and amortization.

    Meanwhile, EBT is the simplest of the three metrics, and it is also known as pre-tax earnings or profit before taxes. By adding back taxes, which are often volatile due to one-time deductions, specific arrangements, and the laws applicable to each jurisdiction where the company operates, analysts and investors can better grasp what the business’s bottom-line profitability is.

    Each of these three metrics can be applied to financial statements, and they provide a different perspective and understanding of a firm’s financial health and performance by calculating how profitable the business is at different levels.

    How to Increase a Company’s EBITDA

    Companies can use various strategies to increase their EBITDA, including the following:

    Increase revenuesExpand to new markets or develop new productsReduce operating expenses

    Growing sales is the most obvious and easiest way to boost EBITDA. Companies can focus on expanding their customer base, increasing prices, or introducing new products and services. That said, these sales must carry a decent gross profit margin to positively contribute to the firm’s operating profitability.

    Companies can aim to increase their total addressable market (TAM) by expanding the geographical regions they cover or creating products that cater to different target audiences. These new customer segments, if profitable, can produce a higher EBITDA.

    Cutting costs for labor, materials, and overhead can increase EBITDA as well. Companies can look for ways to streamline operations by incorporating new technologies or redesigning their internal processes. They can also renegotiate supplier contracts or find cheaper facilities where they can operate.

    By focusing on these operational levers, companies can work to steadily grow their EBITDA over time. Of course, the specific strategies that businesses can apply will depend on their industry, competitive position, and unique circumstances.

    Uses of EBITDA

    The use of EBITDA in finance is quite extensive, as investors, analysts, and business leaders rely on this metric to analyze businesses from various standpoints. These are the most common applications of this financial metric:

    EBITDA is commonly used to determine the fair value of companies, particularly in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The enterprise value to EBITDA (EV/EBITDA) multiple is a widely used valuation metric that allows for comparisons across different companies and industries.

    EBITDA allows for more apples-to-apples comparisons between companies as it removes the impact of management’s financing and accounting decisions. This makes it easier to assess the relative operating performance of different businesses regardless of their size or the industry they operate in.

    Performance evaluation
    EBITDA provides insights into a company’s core operating profitability and cash flow generation capacity. This can help the management team, Board of Directors, and investors to evaluate the company’s financial health and growth trajectory.
    Debt coverage
    Hidden content
    Budgeting and forecasting

    Projecting future EBITDA can help companies plan for investments, capital expenditures, and other strategic decisions. EBITDA forecasts can inform decisions around financing, dividends, and overall resource allocation.

    EBITDA Example

    To illustrate how EBITDA works, let’s look at this example of an income statement:

    ABC Company Income Statement

    Revenue $1,000,000
    Cost of Goods Sold $600,000
    Gross Profit $400,000
    Operating Expenses
    Salaries & Wages $150,000
    Rent $50,000
    Depreciation $30,000
    Amortization $20,000
    Interest Expense $25,000
    Income Tax Expense $35,000
    Net Income $90,000

    The EBITDA of ABC Company would be calculated as follows:

    1. Start with Net Income: $90,000
    2. Add back Interest Expense: $25,000
    3. Add back Income Tax Expense: $35,000
    4. Add back Depreciation Expense: $30,000
    5. Add back Amortization Expense: $20,000

    EBITDA = $90,000 + $25,000 + $35,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 = $200,000

    As a result, ABC Company’s EBITDA would be $200,000.

    EBITDA Pros and Cons

    As with all financial metrics, using EBITDA to analyze the performance of a company offers unique advantages and disadvantages that should be considered. Here’s a summary of the most relevant ones.


    • Focuses on operational performance rather than financing/accounting decisions
    • Allows for better comparison between companies
    • Provides insight into the business cash flow generation capacity
    • Useful for valuation and debt coverage analysis


    • Excludes real costs like interest, taxes, and impact of capital expenditures
    • Can be manipulated through aggressive adjustments
    • Does not account for changes in working capital
    • Not a GAAP-recognized metric, so the exact items that go into the EBITDA calculation may vary depending on the company’s policies.

    The Bottom Line

    EBITDA is a widely used financial metric that provides valuable insights into a company’s core operating performance and cash flow generation capacity. While it has limitations, it remains an important tool for investors, analysts, and business leaders to evaluate and compare the financial health and profitability of businesses.

    By understanding how EBITDA is calculated, its most common uses, and its limitations, decision-makers can leverage this metric as part of a comprehensive financial analysis. EBITDA should be viewed as one piece of the puzzle, not the entire picture. Combining EBITDA with other financial measures, such as net income, cash flow, and leverage ratios, can provide a more in-depth understanding of a firm’s overall financial condition and outlook.

    Ultimately, the value of EBITDA lies in its ability to strip away the effects of financing and accounting choices, allowing for a clearer assessment of a business’s core operating profitability. When used judiciously and in the proper context, EBITDA can be a powerful tool for financial analysis.


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    Alejandro Arrieche Rosas
    Financial Reporter

    Alejandro har sju års erfarenhet av att skriva innehåll för finanssektorn och över 17 års samlad yrkeserfarenhet, där han har arbetat i olika roller inom en rad olika affärsområden, bland annat teknik och finansiella tjänster. Innan han började på Techopedia bidrog Alejandro till många publikationer online, bland annat Seeking Alpha, The Modest Wallet, Capital.com, Business2Community, EconomyWatch.com och artiklar om ekonomi, affärsnyheter, recensioner av handelsplattformar och utbildning för investerare. Alejandro har en kandidatexamen i företagsekonomi från UNITEC i Venezuela och en masterexamen i Corporate Finance från EUDE Business School i Spanien. Hans favoritämnen är värdeinvesteringar och finansiell analys.