From the infamous HAL in “2001: A Space Odyssey” to the brilliant but sometimes awkward Data in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” examples of artificial intelligence can be seen throughout sci-fi. However, artificial intelligence is not just the stuff of science fiction anymore. Modern technology is learning how to think, and learning how to learn on its own. Here’s your chance to learn all about artificial intelligence, neural networks and machine learning from the top experts in the field, because we’ve compiled a list of the most influential voices who are talking about it on Twitter.
Why this list? Well, it’s based on Twitter data culled according to content, follower/following ratios, frequency of tweets, blog popularity, the opinions of other analytics experts and our own subjective judgment.
One note: Some influential voices are not included, either because they don’t have active Twitter accounts, or they only tweet about artificial intelligence sporadically. Here, our goal is to provide the best possible stream of artificial intelligence news and insight.
Did we miss somebody? Let us know!
Everything about artificial intelligence and game development. Official website is
Alex J. Champandard
Artificial intelligence expert, co-founder of @nuclai, game developer, contractor on Killzone 2 & 3’s bots, ex-Rockstar senior AI programmer, runs @AiGameDev.
Artificial Other
Tweets about simulacra and automata, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, virtuality, artificial life, cognition, informatics, expert systems, nanotech and posthumans.
Computer Vision
All about computer vision, image processing, machine learning, pattern recognition, robotics, photogrammetry, artificial intelligence and more. Official website is
The official account of MIT’s largest research lab: the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). Official website is
Gideon Rosenblatt
Writes about the intersection of artificial intelligence, knowledge and mission-driven, stakeholder organizations. Blogs at
Gregory Piatetsky
KDnuggets President, analytics, big data, data mining, data science expert, KDD & SIGKDD co-founder, was Chief Scientist at two startups, and part-time philosopher. Blogs at
Hilary Mason
Founder at @FastForwardLabs. Data Scientist in Residence at @accel. She loves data and cheeseburgers.
Jason Brownlee
Making programmers awesome at machine learning. Blogs at
Jason Toy
Founder/CEO of Builds large scale deep learning models and systems, studies cognition, ponders consciousness, builds machine learning systems, and a polyglot in human & computer languages.
Jonathan Frye
Data scientist, technologist, & project manager; internationally experienced.
Machine Learning
Live content curated by top machine learning, NLP and AI influencers.
Marek Rosa
CEO, CTO and Founder at GoodAI and Keen Software House. Interested in game development, programming, entrepreneurship and artificial intelligence. Blogs at
Mark Riedl
Associate Professor at Georgia Tech School of Interactive Computing. Interested in artificial intelligence, storytelling and computer games. Blogs at
Michael Cavaretta
Manager, Connected Vehicle Analytics – Ford Motor Co. Interested in big data, data science, machine learning, data visualization and IoT.
Pedro Domingos
Professor of computer science at the University of Washington and author of “The Master Algorithm.” Into machine learning, AI, data science, and anything that makes him curious. Official website is
Robotics News
The only dedicated multimedia news platform for robotics, artificial intelligence, automation and process engineering. Official website is
Satya Mallick
Entrepreneur, Ph.D. (Computer Vision & Machine Learning), Co-Founder/CTO (R&D) at Sight Commerce Inc., and co-founder of computer vision and machine learning consulting firm, Big Vision LLC. Blogger at
Sebastian Raschka
Data scientist and machine learning enthusiast with a big passion for Python & open source. Author of “Python Machine Learning.” Official website is
The Coming Future
Focuses on the future, artificial intelligence, robotics, new trends and singularity.