Computer System

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What Is a Computer System?

A computer system is a combination of hardware and software components that work together to process information, store data, and perform calculations


Common computer components include an operating system (OS), central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage, input/output (I/O) interfaces, software, apps, and any other hardware or software components that enable the device to function.

Some examples of computer systems are personal computers (PC), laptops, and digital and hybrid computers. These systems can receive user input, create information for storage, and produce an output.

What Is a Computer System?

Key Takeaways

  • A computer system is any type of hardware or software component that can process information, store data, and perform calculations.
  • One of the most well-known examples of a computer system is a desktop computer.
  • Early examples of computer systems include the Difference Engine, ABC, Colossus, and ENIAC.
  • Key components of a computer system include a CPU, RAM, input unit, hard drive, and output unit.
  • Computer systems and computing systems are different concepts.

History of a Computer System

The history of computer systems can arguably be traced as far back as 200-70BC, with the Antikythera mechanism acting as an astronomical calculator and the world’s first computer.

However, lots of credit also goes to mathematician Charles Babbage, who created the Difference Engine in the early 1800s to automatically calculate polynomial functions.

Then, in the 19th century, key computer systems such as the digital Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) in 1942, the code-cracking Colossus in 1943, and the programmable general-purpose computer ENIAC in 1945.

Finally, we can point to the personal computer, starting with the Kenbak-1, developed by John Blakenbaker in 1971. The Kenbak-1 system had 256 bytes of memory with integrated circuits as part of a single circuit board.

Characteristics of a Computer System

At a conceptual level, a computer system is an electronic device that can accept data as input, process it, and then output a result to the end user. To perform these functions, a computer needs to be able to operate quickly and efficiently.

In fact, modern CPUs are so fast that they can perform 5 billion operations per second, giving them the ability to process instructions much faster than a human could

This processing activity takes place not just because of the underlying hardware but also because of computer software. The use of various hardware resources and software gives computers the ability to perform operations with extremely high accuracy and consistency, meaning there will be minimal mistakes if the input data is correct.

It’s also worth noting that a computer system carries out computing tasks completely automatically. A human doesn’t need to manually manage each stage of the computing process – the computer does it automatically.

Computer System Components

Computers are the sum of their parts and require multiple components to function.

Most computer systems have the following components:

Central processing unit
The CPU manages all computing tasks needed to run the underlying operating system and applications.
Random access memory
RAM is a temporary storage location where data resides when it’s being used by a program.
Hard drive
It is a location used to store files and data for the computer system.
Input unit
An input device such as a keyboard, mouse, or joystick that is connected to the system and enables it to receive input from the user.
Output unit
An output device such as a monitor, printer, or plotter that is connected to the device and displays binary output data in a readable form.
A printed circuit board which electronic components connect to as part of the computer system, enabling the CPU, RAM, and other components to communicate.
Power supply
It provides electricity needed for the computer system to operate, typically in the form of a power cable.

Desktop computers will also feature an operating system, but what is it exactly? The OS is a piece of software that can execute tasks, and manage apps on the device.

Computer System Types

There are many different types of computer systems that you’re likely to encounter.

Some of the most common are as follows:

Computer System vs. Computing System

Computer systems and computing systems are different concepts that are worth outlining.

“The key difference between the computer system and computing system has to do with scope and how they’re used. A computer system is just a single machine – it’s one setup made of hardware, including the processor, memory, and storage, along with software in the form of an operating system and applications,” Brian Oates, product manager, Cloud VPS and Cloud Metal at Liquid Web told Techopedia via written commentary.

“On the other hand, a computing system is much more generic. It’s a network of many computer systems that work together in order to achieve bigger, more complex goals. Systems often collaborate with each other to share data, split workloads, and solve problems that no single computer could handle alone,” Oates said.

Computer systemComputing system

Definition: Any type of hardware or software component that can process information, store data, and perform calculations.

Examples: Laptop, desktop computer, phone, tablet.

Definition: A network of multiple computer systems working together to achieve an operational goal.

Examples: A network of servers, a smart home.

Examples of Computer Systems

There are many different types of computer systems that are in use in the modern world.

These include:

Operating systems
A program that manages computing processes to support applications and software. Examples of operating systems include Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android.
Computers with a single microprocessor, such as a personal computer. Examples include a Microsoft Surface or iMac.
Mainframe computer
High-performance servers or computers with high memory and data processing capacity to support enterprise applications. Examples include the IBM zSeries mainframe and the HPE Non-Stop.
Large and powerful computers designed to perform complex calculations and computing tasks. Examples include Frontier, Summit, and Fugaku.

Computer Systems Pros & Cons

Computer systems have a number of different pros and cons. These are as follows:


  • Perform a wide range of tasks from checking emails to ordering shopping online
  • Execute calculations and tasks at a much higher speed and accuracy than a human could manually
  • Store large amounts of data in memory so that it’s easily accessible to the user


  • Vulnerable to being attacked by hackers via viruses, malware, and other threats
  • Can be quite costly for the end user to purchase and maintain
  • Systems require access to a power source to function

The Bottom Line

The definition of a computer system can be tricky because there are so many electronic systems used in our society that it’s difficult to quantify them all.

Despite this, computer systems like smartphones, computers, and tablets have become staple solutions for many users, allowing us to work and live productively every day.


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Tim Keary
Technology Writer
Tim Keary
Technology Writer

Tim Keary is a technology writer and reporter covering AI, cybersecurity, and enterprise technology. Before joining Techopedia full-time in 2023, his work appeared on VentureBeat, Forbes Advisor, and other notable technology platforms, where he covered the latest trends and innovations in technology. He holds a Master’s degree in History from the University of Kent, where he learned of the value of breaking complex topics down into simple concepts. Outside of writing and conducting interviews, Tim produces music and trains in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).