Stuff Your Kindle Day 2025: How to Get Free eBooks

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If you are a book lover, Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024 is one promotion you can’t afford to miss. Held typically four times a year, the event is designed to help avid readers get their hands on free eBooks produced by indie authors.

In this article, we’ll examine Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024, the dates that it is held each year, and the top promotions to look out for to get the most out of the event.

Get your Kindle at the ready, and read on.

Key Takeaways

  • Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024 is a free eBook promotion for indie authors, offering books across multiple genres.
  • The event typically occurs four times a year, with specific dates announced via the Romance Bookworms email list.
  • However, other book distributors have cottoned on, so there are plenty of events to get involved in.
  • No Kindle required — you can download free books to any device with apps like Google Play or Apple Books.
  • The event started in 2015 and originally focused on romance books but now spans genres like sci-fi, horror, and fantasy.
  • Stay updated by signing up for author newsletters, following promotions, and checking Amazon’s event landing page.

What is Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024?

Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024 is a 24-hour promotional event developed by best-selling romance author Zoe York, which is designed to help independent authors reach a wider audience by offering free books and promotions.

The event originally started in 2015 as a romance promotion but now includes thousands of books across multiple genres, including fantasy, horror, and sci-fi, which will be available for free or at a discounted rate.

Despite the name, the event isn’t sponsored by Amazon, and you don’t need a Kindle Unlimited subscription to participate (nor is it restricted to Kindle Unlimited books).

When is Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024?

While there are traditionally four main Stuff Your Kindle Day promotions a year, the exact dates of these promotions are kept secret by the creator, Zoe York, who announces them to readers who’ve signed up for the Romance Bookworms email list.

That being said, there are lots of offshoot ‘book blast’ promotions and events from third-party publishers and authors, which are often considered to be related to Stuff Your Kind Day.

Relevant promotions include:

  • October 24, 2024: Cozy Mystery Book Club is offering a fall promotion for the Cozy Mystery Book Blast, which will feature promotions and discounts on mysteries, thrillers, and crime books.
  • November 15, 2024: Alpharoll is a bi-annual book blast that offers promotions on books featuring “cinnamon roll main male characters.”
  • November 29 — December 2, 2024: Not strictly a Stuff Your Kindle Day, but Romance Book Lovers will hold a $0.99 ‘Black Friday‘ Event
  • December 27, 2024: Dark Mode Books hosts ‘Dark Fiction Stuff Your Kindle Day’ for books in various genres, including dark romance, dark fantasy, and horror.

How to Take Part in Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024

If you want to participate in Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024, you can sign up for the Romance Bookworms email list and wait to be notified about the next event, participate in a promotion such as those outlined above, or search Amazon’s Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024 landing page via this link.

We recommend also checking for more information about Stuff Your Kindle Day promotions throughout the year.

The Amazon 'Stuff Your Kindle' homepage. (Amazon)
The Amazon ‘Stuff Your Kindle’ homepage. (Amazon)
Where it all began: The Romance Bookworms site by Zoe York. (Romance Bookworms)
Where it all began: The Romance Bookworms site by Zoe York. (Romance Bookworms)


Do You Need to Have a Kindle?

No. You don’t need to have a Kindle to participate in Stuff Your Kindle Day. This means you can download free books on a range of apps from Google Play to Apple Books, potentially any platform that offers promotions for free ebooks on the day.

Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024 Tips & Tricks

To get the most out of the day, we recommend doing the following:

Stuff Your Kindle Day 2025 Dates

What constitutes a Stuff Your Kindle Day Date varies and is kept a secret by the creator, Zoe York. If you want to find out when the dates will be, you can sign up for Stuff Your Kindle Day’s free reader alert email service to get notifications when the dates are announced.

Typically, there are 4 main dates per year, often around March, June, September, and December, but there are lots of connected promotional book blasts on a wider range of dates, so keep your eyes open.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know what the Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024 dates are, keep your eyes peeled for future promotions.

Taking simple steps like signing up to the Romance Bookworms mail list or periodically checking the Amazon event landing page can reduce the chance of missing out on any bargains.


What does “Stuff Your Kindle Day” mean?

Is Stuff Your Kindle Day real?

How does Stuff Your Kindle Day work?

How often is Stuff Your Kindle Day?

What are the dates for Stuff Your Kindle Day 2024?

Do you need to have Kindle Unlimited for Stuff Your Kindle Day?

Is Stuff Your Kindle Day only romance books?


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Tim Keary
Technology Writer
Tim Keary
Technology Writer

Tim Keary is a technology writer and reporter covering AI, cybersecurity, and enterprise technology. Before joining Techopedia full-time in 2023, his work appeared on VentureBeat, Forbes Advisor, and other notable technology platforms, where he covered the latest trends and innovations in technology. He holds a Master’s degree in History from the University of Kent, where he learned of the value of breaking complex topics down into simple concepts. Outside of writing and conducting interviews, Tim produces music and trains in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).