Web Roundup: Smartphones are Smarter Than Ever … Again

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When it comes to your mobile device, do you know who has access to your data? With new worries over mobile security creeping in, some consumers wonder how much privacy they have left. But that doesn’t stop them from getting excited at the idea of innovation. Now, all eyes are on the Internet of Things and new developments in the tech industry. It’s all outlined in this week’s Web roundup.

Apple Expands Data Storage to China

With so much data floating around, it’s no wonder cloud companies have to expand their data storage facilities. Many people turned their heads when Apple made a bold move on August 8 to expand its storage facility. Now, Apple has confirmed that the company has, in fact, started storing Chinese users’ iCloud data on servers in China. The decision came after doing 15 months of rigorous security testing. Although the smartphone giant claims that Chinese users’ privacy is taken very seriously and that China Telecom does not have access to the users’ data, some consumers still worry about having their privacy in a country governed by a notoriously invasive government.

What Google’s Doing With Your Daily Activities

If you own an Android or Apple phone, Google might be more in tune with your daily activities than you realize. Smartphone users with location reporting settings enabled in Google Maps, Facebook, or other apps could open the door to tracking. Although it sounds frightening, many people don’t realize that this "service" exists. Google makes your daily activity known through its website. By logging into your Google account and visiting the location services site, you can get a heat map of where you’ve been for any given calendar day.

Samsung is Diving Into the Internet of Things

With Samsung’s recent purchase of SmartThings, a home automation company, all eyes are on the tech giant as people wonder how the company will incorporate the technology into its product line. The Internet of Things is one of the hottest focuses in the tech industry right now. As you may recall, Google purchased Nest, a company that makes smart thermostats and smoke alarms, in January. Now, with so many tech giants on board and invested in the Internet of Things, consumers could see impressive innovation in TVs, home appliances, lighting, and more. (Find out more about IoT in What the $#@! Is the Internet of Things?!)

Sprint Could Play a Role in Shaking Up the Mobile Industry

Samsung and Apple aren’t the only ones shaking up the mobile industry. Now, Sprint is promising to disrupt the world of smartphones and cellular devices with a new rate plan. CEO Marcelo Claure detailed the plan to his team. The only insight he offered to the public is that the plans will be simple and attractive. Claure also noted that one of the downsides to Sprint’s efforts to scale back is that the company may need to cut some jobs.

Could Internet Explorer Regain its Competitive Edge?

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer team released a new version of Windows 8.1 on August 12th. This one was anticipated to be better than before with more features and faster speeds. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. Some the patches that came with the update causes severe problems for users, including the Blue Screen of Death. As a result, Microsoft pulled the patches from the update a few days later.


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Kimberly Crossland

Kimberly Crossland graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in international business and marketing. She started her career overseas for one of the leading computer security software companies. Then, she returned to the United States and worked with a cloud collaboration startup firm. Now, she works as a writer offering important information for people in IT on the most current trends and how they can employ those trends to give their business legs to succeed.