Liquidity Pool Tokens (LP Tokens)

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What Are Liquidity Pool Tokens (LP Tokens)?

Liquidity pool tokens (LP tokens) are issued to liquidity providers in liquidity pools, and essentially act as a receipt for the liquidity providers who have contributed their assets to the project. In turn, the tokens can be used to claim their original stake and interest earned.


LP tokens (also known as liquidity provider tokens) play a key role in decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, as they give users full custody of their locked assets. Liquidity providers on a decentralized exchange (DEX) can use these tokens to withdraw their locked funds at any time and redeem the interest earned.

In terms of technical properties, LP tokens are pretty much similar to other cryptocurrencies issued on a blockchain.

For example, LP tokens issued by Uniswap and SushiSwap, both of which operate on the Ethereum (ETH) network, are ERC-20 tokens. These tokens have all the characteristics of any other ERC-20 token, meaning they can be transferred, traded, and staked on other protocols.

It is worth noting that while most liquidity pools allow providers to redeem their LP tokens at any time without interference, they often charge a small penalty for users who redeem them too soon. If a user waits long enough, they can redeem their LP tokens without incurring any penalties.

How Do LP Tokens Work?

LP tokens provide a mechanism for users to contribute liquidity to DeFi platforms and earn rewards in return. The process begins when a liquidity pool is established, which typically consists of two or more tokens, often referred to as the base token and the quote token. 

The base token is the token that is being traded or exchanged for another token, which is the quote token. For instance, in the trading pair ETH/DAI, the base token is ETH and the quote token is decentralized stablecoin DAI.

Users who wish to provide liquidity to the pool need to deposit an equal value of both tokens into the liquidity pool. For instance, if a user wants to contribute $500 worth of ETH and $500 worth of DAI, they deposit those tokens into the pool.

In return for providing liquidity to the pool, users receive LP Tokens. The number of LP Tokens received corresponds to the proportionate value of their contribution to the overall liquidity pool. These LP Tokens represent their ownership or share in the pool.

Whenever transactions occur within the DeFi platform, such as trades or loans, fees are charged. These fees are also proportionally distributed among the LP Token holders based on their share in the pool, which incentivizes them to provide and maintain liquidity.

Eventually, LP Token holders can redeem their tokens by withdrawing their share of the underlying assets from the liquidity pool. However, there may be certain restrictions or penalties, such as lock-up periods or early withdrawal fees, depending on the specific DeFi platform or protocol.

Do LP Tokens Have Value?

The short answer is yes. However, the value of LP Tokens can depend on numerous factors. In the first place, the value of LP Tokens is tied to the underlying assets in the liquidity pool. Therefore, if the underlying assets depreciate in value, LP tokens will also take a hit. 

Furthermore, since LP Token holders can earn a portion of the fees generated, the popularity of the DeFi project can contribute to the value of the tokens. Finally, the market demand for LP Tokens can also influence their price and value.

In short, the value of LP Tokens fluctuates based on various factors, including the demand for the underlying assets, trading activity, or changes in the platform dynamics. 

How to Get LP Tokens?

In order to receive LP tokens from a DEX like Uniswap, SushiSwap, PancakeSwap, and Curve Finance, users first need to choose a liquidity pool within those platforms and provide liquidity in the selected pool. 

Once users have deposited the required tokens into the liquidity pool, the platform will issue LP tokens in return. The LP tokens will be accessible through the connected wallet. For instance, if a user uses MetaMask to provide liquidity into a pool, their LP tokens will be available in that wallet. 

It is worth noting that users can transfer, trade, or use their LP tokens within the platform or other compatible platforms, depending on their functionality and integration.

What Are Some Use Cases of LP Tokens?

LP tokens can be used across DeFi platforms for different use cases, including:

  1. Collateral in a Loan: Some DeFi platforms, such as Aave, enable liquidity providers to use their LP tokens as collateral to secure a cryptocurrency loan. It’s worth noting that using LP tokens as collateral is a relatively new trend, with only a few platforms currently offering this service. However, it carries a high risk, as failure to maintain a specific collateral ratio may result in asset liquidation.
  2. Yield farming: Yield farming involves depositing LP tokens into yield farms or compounders to earn rewards. Users can either manually move their tokens across different DeFi protocols, or they can deposit their LP tokens into the liquidity pools of various protocols such as Yearn Finance or Aave, which help you earn compounded interest.
  3. LP staking: Liquidity providers have the option to stake their LP tokens in order to earn additional profits. By locking their LP tokens in specific protocols, users can earn additional rewards or incentives, on top of their share in fees generated. These programs encourage users to provide liquidity and actively participate in the platform’s ecosystem. 

Risks of LP Tokens

While owning LP tokens comes with some major benefits, there are also specific downsides to it. Here are some common risks associated with LP tokens:

  1. Locked Assets: In order to receive LP tokens, users need to lock their funds in a crypto liquidity pool. This might cause users to miss out on other potentially profitable opportunities in the crypto market
  2. Impermanent Loss: One of the inherent risks of holding LP tokens is impermanent loss. By providing liquidity, users may experience a loss when the value of the tokens they deposited exceeds the value they receive upon exiting the pool. Impermanent loss is caused by price fluctuations over time. Liquidity pools with volatile trading pairs are more susceptible to impermanent loss. To mitigate this risk, users can choose stablecoin pairs that typically have smaller price ranges.
  3. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Liquidity pools rely on smart contracts to operate. When users stake their LP tokens in a DeFi protocol, they trust the strength and security of the smart contract governing the network. However, there is a risk of smart contract failure or compromise, which can result in the loss of funds. 
  4. Loss or Theft: Similar to other tokens, users can permanently lose their LP tokens if they are unable to access their crypto wallet. Additionally, scammers may gain unauthorized access to the wallet and steal tokens. To mitigate this risk, users are advised to store their private keys in a secure offline wallet, also known as a cold wallet.

The Bottom Line

LP tokens have become an important part of the DeFi ecosystem. These tokens not only help users determine their share of the liquidity pool and fees generated, but can also be used for yield farming, staking, and as collateral in a loan.

While LP tokens can be an enticing way to earn passive income from crypto assets, they do not come without risks. Some common risks associated with these tokens include impermanent loss and smart contract vulnerabilities, among others. 


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Ruholamin Haqshanas
Cryptocurrency Journalist
Ruholamin Haqshanas
Cryptocurrency Journalist

Ruholamin is a crypto and financial journalist with over three years of experience. Apart from Techopedia, he has been featured in major news outlets, including, The Tokenist, Cryptonews, and 24/7 Wall St, and has also worked with some prominent crypto and DeFi projects. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics. Ruholamin enjoys reading about tech developments, writing, and nature-watchingю